Posted by: pastormikemcdowell | February 14, 2017

“Mickel MeDill and a Love Note of Prayer”

“So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.” (1 Corinthians 13:3- The Message Bible)

Good Morning and Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone!

Valentine’s day was always a big deal when I was a kid. In our school, we’d bring our little cards with us to school and distribute them to our classmates, then open each one we received. Of course, I always picked out the one I thought was most special to give to the little girl I thought was most special, and I still do (that would be my bride).  It was often a source of amusement in elementary school to see how my name was misspelled phonetically by fellow students. I received one that has forever become my nickname courtesy of my brother. One little girl spelled my name “Mickel MeDill”, which my brother is still fond of calling me. Some things never change! I laugh as I remember receiving it, but I know that in giving me that valentine, her heart was right, so I remember it with affection.

What of those “love notes of prayer” we send to our Heavenly Father? As you make them, it is wise to examine your heart as you send them. 2 Corinthians 13:5 reminds us to  “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are holding to your faith.” Prayers lacking in faith and love are the prayers of a bankrupt heart.  In the publication “The Kneeling Christian” , we read

“Unless the heart is right the prayer must be wrong”. 

A self-examination of the heart will be most revealing if it is done honestly and diligently. God isn’t concerned with your spelling or your stammering attempts at prayer. He is much more concerned with the motivation of the heart and the love that is expressed genuinely. Send God your love note of prayer today! It will be treasured by Him just like the one “Mickel MeDill” received many years ago. Let’s pray!

Heavenly Father; this is a love note of prayer just for You today. It comes from the depths of our heart. It is a love note full of thanksgiving and praise. It is a love note of devotion and passion. It is a love note to say how grateful we are for Your constant outpouring of grace. I love you with all my heart, Lord, and always will. Amen!
